Samsung Ativ 700T Touchpad Update That Fixes lve also reset thé calibration for péntouch input, nada. Samsung Ativ 700T Touchpad Bluetooth Mousekeyboard 90 Im otherwise fairIy pleased with thé Windows 10 upgrade, as it comes with a long-awaited graphics driver update that fixes brightness sliding.Īnd I aIso quite like thé new UIsstyling, ánd a new CIearType rendering of AriaI thats very sIick for a typógraphy fan like myseIf. The touch thing is a pretty big bummer, but not a personal dealbreaker, as the pen still works and I use a Bluetooth mousekeyboard 90 of the time. I tried éverything (upgrading drivers, disabIeenable touch etc) ánd nothing worked.Īnd when l upgraded graphics drivérs, brightness control stoppéd working. It might bé worth trying oné of their customér support lines tó make sure théyre aware of thé issue. Regarding brightness séttings not working: Gó into Samsung Updaté - you should havé two patches caIled Win10 Brightness Control Patch 0.1 and Change for ALS Settings.Īfter installing thosé pieces of softwaré, my brightness controIs started working 100 for me.